Beautiful birds of Kyrgyzstan. Four special stamps presented by KEP
Kyrgyz Express Post postage stamps under the name “Birds of Kyrgyzstan”. In Kyrgyzstan, there are 391 species of birds, many of which are rare and protected by the state. These four bright stamps are dedicated to such species of birds inhabiting the territory of Kyrgyzstan as the Ibisbill, the Eastern Rock Nuthatch, the Demoiselle Crane and the Eurasian Eagle-Owl.
So, the first stamp features the Ibisbill - a large bird, related to the waders, with a long, bow-shaped and down-curved bill of bright red. This bird is very rare and is listed in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan.
The second item depicts the Eastern Rock Nuthatch. This species of birds resides in mountainous area. It easily climbs the rocks and can even stay upside down.
The third stamp features the Demoiselle Crane that is the smallest species of crane. This bird has an elegant appearance. Demoiselle Crane is often mentioned in the literature and poetry of Northern India and Pakistan. This species is listed in the Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The fourth item shows the Eurasian Eagle-Owl that is considered to be the king of all owls. It is also the largest species of owl in the world. As a protected bird, the Eurasian eagle-owl is listed in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan.
Each stamp has the logo of the international environmental organization “BirdLife International”. The new issue of KEP postage stamps will contribute to protecting and preserving the wonderful world of birds of Kyrgyzstan. We also encourage you to take a look at a great range of other colourful postage stamps showcasing different species of birds.